Friday, January 8, 2016

Current Event 11: Syrian Family in America

January 8th, 2016

Current unit of Study: Unit 3

How One Syrian Family Is Making Its Home In America 
Image result for syrian and american flag


Mohammed Darbi, father of the Darbi family, is one of many Syrian refugees. He decided to make the move to America after evaluating what was best for his family, and knew that his status as a refugee would keep him safe once he entered the country. Now living with his beloved family in New Jersey, he works  an overnight shift at an Egyptian bakery. After a few months of financial aid from the government, things were going steady for his family until the support became to little to depend on, leaving him desperate for better work as his family struggles to meet demands. At the same time, the Darbis are trying hard to shed a good light on their name, as many Americans look down upon refugees. Unfortunately around the time Mohammed went looking for a job, the attacks on Paris had just been carried out. This made it even more difficult for him to get a job, as the whole hysteria of Syrian refugees being members of Isis was going around. Thankfully the family was able to seek financial assistance from the Refugee settlement who now provides the family with food. With Mohammed still working his night shift and the new financial aid, he and his family are committed to showing what the Muslim religion is really about.


Reading this article reminded me of what we have been talking about in class, migration, immigration and emigration. Mohammed and his family are the perfect examples of immigrants, and even better example of products of forced migration. Reasons for forced migration include natural disaster, civil unrest/ human made disaster, economic problems, health care and better education. The most applicable reasons for the Darbi family are the civil unrest and human made disaster. Had they decided to stay in Syria, they most likely would be dead. Being refugees and choosing to immigrate to America, they came to seek a better life for them and their children.

Link to the original article: