Current unit of study: Unit 1 Basic Concepts
Congressman Says Sheltering Syrian Refugees Is An Impeachable Offense
October 1st, 2015 2:28PM
During what is now called the "worst refugee crisis in decades," President Barack Obama is setting plans to allow some 10,000 refugees to enter into the United States to claim shelter next year. As this may seem to be the right thing, many congressmen such as Rep. Mo Brooks disagree with his plan, stating, "We’re going to be giving welfare to all these people!” Yet, many agree with Obama's radical decision saying that it is his responsibility, as well as the American people's responsibility to reach out to these war-stricken refugees, as the President is the "Primary world player." The only pending questions left up in the air is how exactly will we support the incoming refugees, and what affect will it have on us as a whole?
It is quite obvious that Obama means well in his plan to offer shelter to the Syrian refugees, and I'm sure many other Americans agree with the idea, but when it comes to reality, the congressmen may actually have something right this time around. Besides the current population we have now, we will be adding 10,000 more people and expected to provide for them as we do our own, but that alone raises a major concern. How exactly does Mr. President intend to provide food, welfare and shelter for these people when we currently have starving American citizens on the streets? All these questions bring me back to the lesson in class in which we discussed the "Three pillars of sustainability," all which play an extremely relevant role in the pending crisis. The first being the environment pillar. This pillar can only be sustained and developed if conservation and preservation of natural resources is embraced.
Second, the economic pillar remains sustainable when efforts are based on both supply and demand and the environment, and third the society pillar. I personally feel this one plays the biggest role out of all three, as it has to find a way to modify the wants of cultures in regards to shelter, food and clothing to objects that are sustainable. Already, some Americans are displeased with the over all decision to let Syrian refugees in, so how will Obama find a way to please both Americans and the incoming Syrians? And on top of it all, will this effort be sustainable? On the brighter side, by the Syrians coming here, they provide the perfect example of relocation diffusion (the spread of an idea through physical movement of people from one place to another). This way they will be bringing their language, culture and tradition with them to the states, which will hopefully give Americans a better understanding of the Syrian culture.
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