Thursday, October 15, 2015

Current Event 3: Earth is Loosing Topsoil

Thursday October 15th, 2015

Current unit of study: Unit 1 Basic Concepts

Earth Could Lose a Third of Its Topsoil

October 15th, 2015 7:31PM

Although it may not seem like a pressing issue currently (since the Earth has so much soil), the problem of earth loosing top soil can become a relevant problem. Due to erosion, pollution, acidification, nutrient depletion and bad land management, 33 percent of our planet's soil resources are being degraded. Because of this, the loss of topsoil could on the whole, have a catastrophic effect on the world's supply of food and agriculture. Without this precious topsoil, we will no longer be able to grow food crops who absorb excess carbon and supply us with new antibiotics. On and even darker note, besides our effort to replenish the soil through natural processes, it is being lost much faster than we could imagine. Many scientists have suggested fixing the problem by changing methods of agriculture, such as eliminating synthetic fertilizers which are currently the main culprit in this issue. But is it now too late to prevent further damage? Or do we still have a chance of salvaging the soil?


As presented in the article, we as a human race are beginning to face a major issue with loosing earth's topsoil. Because of our careless actions and new agricultural methods, soil is literally slipping through our fingers. While things such as synthetic fertilizers may seem to work faster than natural fertilizers, it is taking a serious toll on our top soil. In key issue 4, we address sustainability and resources. But what is a resource? A resource is classified as a substance in the environment that is useful to people, economically and socially acceptable to use. Top soil, although it may not seem like it, is one of our most important resources as it provides us with nutritious food that is good for our health. Without it, we are doomed. There would be a huge loss of farmers and jobs as the soil is what keeps most of them in business. Top soil may also become classified as an non renewable resource at the rate it's going, despite our efforts to save it and keep it and renew it. 

Link to the original article:

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